BIble STUDY Groups

Bible study Group 

As a WORD church, we offer opportunities for everyone to come study the bible and learn what God says for themselves.
We have various opportunities for to be a part of a Bible Study.
Groups meet once a week and they offer encouragement to one another, discuss what they're learning and how to apply it to their daily lives. Groups also provide accountability, which can be critical to success.
To lean more click on the links below.


Comming Soon

Bible for Beginners
Bible Study for beginners. Get your name and best time for you on the list 

tuesday Afternoon

Minister Study - Zoom
more information to come

Tueday morning

General 10:00 am
For those who have a couple of hours in the morning, this may be the right one for you.

Wednesday evening

5:30 pm
A deeper dive into the Word. Time for the meat.