We believe that God is the creator and Father, that Jesus is the son of God born of a virgin called Mary.
We believe in His deity. We believe that He came in human flesh for the purpose of our salvation. We believe that He died and rose from the grave and that HE is coming back again for His church, His body of believers.
We believe in life after death in eternity; we believe that sins can be forgiven and that we are saved by grace through faith. We believe in the value of each person and the redemptive power of Jesus Christ.
We believe that God is all powerful and we are committed to helping people establish their relationship with God. We believe that marriage, family, and church was instituted by God. We are a praying, praising,  reaching, teaching, tithing and reaching church family, where everyone is somebody.


We Are:

a Loving church

a WORD Church

a praying church

a tithing and giving church

a Multi-Ministry church

an obedient to god church

As we follow this vision then we will become
A Church with whom God is pleased

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